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Strategies for Seeking Alpha

Small and MidCap stocks have underperformed larger cap stocks since 2009.

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In addition to the Model Portfolio, AVC has two other stock selection categories.


First, the Bullpen has very brief data on a number of companies, 10–20, that we find interesting, but have shortcomings relative to being included in the Model Portfolio (unproven businesses, too small, too early in the regulatory approval process, overvalued, or other reasons).


Our second additional stock selection category is Catalysis Pending. This category includes recommended companies where an event is imminent, say 30-90 days. The event may be a regulatory approval, auction of assets ,or  other known pending catalyst. 


AlphaVestCapital as a hedge:
As indicated by the Wilshire market cap to gross domestic product ratio, as shown in the chart below, current stock market valuations could be very extended. In the event of a correction, the current low valuations for Mid and Small Cap stocks could prove to be a capital protective hedge investment.



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